It has come to my attention recently that due to circumstances and something funny I did, I now look like a celebrity! Just think of it! Me a celebrity look alike? What sort of wonderous adventures could I have pretending to be a Hollywood Star? I'm betting all sorts of jockularity would come of it? But wait a second... Who? Whom indeed! What famous person from Hollywood do I look like? Well lets look a the current facts: I'm 25, bald, kinda chubby... There is nobody that I can think of in Hollywood that I look like... Or can I? Come to think of it I can think of many many actors that I bear a similar resemblence too. Lets do a quick showcase of a few popular bald guys that we all know:
1) Paul Schaffer: This guy is a God amongst men in the music business. I can only think of 2 other guys in his calibre of piano playing, neither of which I look like (Billy Joel and Elton John... Gosh, just imagine being associated to Elton John because you look like him?!?!?). But Paul, good ole' Paul is not only an accomplished music artist, he's a funny guy AND he's Canadian! I mean c'mon, what guy wouldn't want to be mistaken for this stud from the Late Show? He busts his ass for Letterman every night and not only does the audience love his nassaly sarcastic laugh, but he has on occassion busts out some monologue thats funnier than what the writers have given Dave! I for one would love to be mistaken for this genius. Because not only is he a genius when it comes to music, but he's definately a hit with the ladies!
2) Butterbean: Shown here, looking a bit worse for ware mind you, is the worlds largest, toughest, meanest most badass of all the prize fighters! I mean with a record of 70-4-4 how more badass could a guy be? I would be amazed if I was to be compared to a chubby bald guy like him. This man is most definately someone I'd have no problem being mistaken for! Because really, if you think I'm Butterbean, chances are you'd be scared of me and thus my power over you would be easier to accept. Its not that I'm forceful by nature, in fact I'm quite gentle. But if you think that I'm Butterbean and I have the option to be mega dominant. Then you better watch out because I'll take full advantage of the situation you just put me in! Maybe I'd make you do things like stand on your head or scream like a girl, or if your a girl, scream like a guy. Trust me, it would be easier for me to accomplish you thinking I was actually him. So all in all, a good candidate to be a look-a-like of.
3) Michael Berryman: What can I say about this guy??? He's a sex machine! Just look at him!!! I mean with rugged good looks like his its a wonder he's not further ahead than all the male superstars of Hollywood! The head that seems a bit too large and pointy, the big ears, little eyes that are beedy and a bit to far apart, scrunched up boxers nose, funny little grin... C'mon ladies, isn't this the little sex muchkin that you all dream of? Well... Maybe your not dreaming of a scandelous midnight romance under a full moon and stars with him, but he's definately the creepy dude watching you get it on from behind the bushes to the left! HAHA! Seriously though.. This is one creepy looking dude. He better be packin below, because he doesn't have much goin' for him up top. Needless to say, I would be shocked and appauled if someone mistook me for this guy. Of course I'd have some fun with it, but he's not someone I'd like to live my life looking like.
Well. They all are bald white guys in Hollywood, but none of them have that same debonaire stature that I hold myself too. So who is this mystery actor I look like??? Who could it be? (scroll down to find out)
Why its
Jamie from Mythbusters on the Discovery channel of course!!! Look at us!! We're quite

the pair aren't we? Now being a look-a-like to him is awesome, because not only is he "in the now", but he does crazy shit on T.V. like blow up toilets! This all came to pass a few weeks ago at work when a co-worker, lets call her camera girl, took a picture of me and another co-worker at a staff hot dog bbq. I being the MS Paint chop wiz cut my head out of the picture, then found a hat website and added that sexy red French Foreign Legion beret. God I look sexy don't you think? We both do really. We could pose as family! I, his younger brother with just the chin goatee ready to take on the world, and him with his handlebar moustache could win over all the women in the universe! It would be the best time ever! And just think, together our facial hair make 1 full beard! Wow. Think of all the trouble I could get myself into passing myself off as him, or just his little brother! Quite the team we'd make blowing up toilets on T.V. too. Either way, I now look like someone from Hollywood, and though I'm happy, I'm not going to use my new found gift to scandelize the women of the world. Perhaps I'll use my new found power of look-a-like-dom for good, like blowing up toilets. I don't know how that will help, but I'm sure I'll think of something :)
very funny!!! and well done! I enjoyed it and it made me laugh so hard! you rock!
-"camera girl"
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